An educational platform that teaches student about bitcoin and other exciting topics. Bitcoin brings peace, love, hope and freedom to humanity and everyone should know about it.
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As a bitcoiner, I feel the need to spread the message of Satoshi Nakamoto by teaching people about Bitcoin. Psybitcoin provides video lessons to people who want to learn about the best money on planet earth.

The Problem
The amount of people in Portugal who are financially illiterate is staggering. In addition to that, there are no good courses teaching about bitcoin. Educate people on what hard money really means to society will make Portugal a better country.

Our Solution
We created a beautiful but simple to understand place where people can watch their video lessons and well as interact with the community, read articles, earn achievements and much more. The website was built carefully in order to bring trust and excitement to those who use it.
Technologies Used
© 2023 Carlos Marques | Software Engineer & Designer